Saturday, April 24, 2010

At melting point

So here I stand at the side of my house, 5:45am and the sky looks like it has a volcano rumbling inside of those clouds, awaiting something or someone just to grab it.
Yet the morning being as early as it was could not motivate me to attempt to jump into it, grasp it and run off with it so I admired it.
As I make my move for the day, I end up at a friends apartment over looking the city; tWas 8:30 pm and the sky had looked as if the clouds had seperated, needing their distance after such a long and hard day.
Yet the melting of the color from one transition to another, is what it is..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blocked out

Just a couple of photo's that may be at interest to your eye.
Nothing too deep about these.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our adventure to Phillip Island

I recently stayed at Phillip Island for a few days, just to get away from Melbourne, I stayed there with a few friends at their house.
I have never been there before so it was a new sight to see, I drove up which was a wise choice because the bus and I don't get along too well.
The sights were immense to grasp, my own eyes couldn't believe some of the things that had been untouched, and for that to happen.. woah.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kwin; something of beauty.

It was friday early afternoon walking along Swanston st with it's busy rush of people trying to get to their destination without any sort of obstacle in front.
At a slow pace, i made my way step by step towards something that would enlighten me without even knowing I came across this individual her name; Kwin.
I had met her a couple of times previous to this, and surprisingly she remembered my face, she remembered the conversation and how it did not end, that it must be continued.
I laid down my books and camera, and watched the concept become reality, the thought that breaths all from a mind, eye and hand.
Kwin in my perspective is an amazing person; she is homeless, but not for the reasons a lot of people may think because of the stereotype of our brothers and sisters living on the streets.
Kwin asked nothing of me while I sat down except for conversation, I have put these photos up asking for recognition of her not I.
If anyone would like to dive a little deeper within Kwin's art, walk along Swanston st, she is always there..